Monday, November 19, 2012


Hubby:  Dammit, I have a screaming headache.
Me:  Well go take a Tylenol and relax.
Hubby:  Nah, it's just a sinus headache.
Me:  Does it matter what kind of headache?  A headache is a headache.  Tylenol will help.
Hubby:  *grumble, grumble, complain, whine, grumble*

This is the crap I put up with.  Seriously.  My husband is all about whining about being in some sort of pain, but refuses to do anything about it.  Nope.  Not that guy.  He's such a macho man.  So annoying.  

As much as I love my hubby, he's such a knuckle dragging neanderthal.  Who whines like a kitten when he's in any sort of pain or discomfort.  Yeah, I'd like to see him in labor.  He'd never make it.  

He's a hunting, fishing, gathering, meat eating manly man.  Grrrrrrrrrr, *fart*, grumble, *burp*, grumble.  Dutch ovens are his specialty, and he can fart winds that would put the big bad wolf to shame.  He'll huff and he'll puff and he'll blow your house down.  

But dammit, I love the grumpy old fart.  He's a good father, and husband.  He provides well, and does things that most men would never do in order to keep his family happy.  He puts family first.  He's a sourpuss, but he's my sourpuss.  I wouldn't change him for the world.  

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